Name : Rosemary
Method : Steam distillation
Note Classification : Middle
Scent : Fresh, minty-herbaceous scent, and a woody-balsamic undertone.
Colour : Colourless to pale yellow
Species : Rosmarinus officinatis
Extracted From : Flowers
Region : France, Spain and Tunisia.
Of Interest : Rosemary essential oil is used in soaps, cosmetics and perfumes.
Aromatherapy Properties : Rosemary essential oil is used for acne, arouses memory, asthma, bronchitis, colds, colitis, dandruff, dermatitis, dysmenorrhea, dyspepsia, eczema, poor circulation, flatulence, flu, gout, greasy hair, hangovers, headache, hypotension, jaundice, leucorrhea, mental fatigue, muscle pain and spasms, neuralgia, palpitations, rheumatism, scabies, varicose veins and whooping cough.
Blends Well With : Lavender,citronella, thyme, pine, basil, peppermint, cedarwood and other spicy oils.
Safety Data : Non toxic, non irritant (in dilution only) avoided in pregnancy and by epileptics.
Essential oils are used for blending with carrier base oils to make special blends for massaging the body.
By adding different essential oils to the base carrier oil this then during massage carries the essential oils into the body.
So when mixing essential oil from a recipe please do not add more than recommended for one massage and if the skin is dry and you need more oil just add more carrier base oil not more essential oil.
Essential oils could be used in the bath, in cream, lotion, bath oil, bath salts, bath bombs,
oil burners, inhalers, hot & cold compresses, perfume, soap & candle-making.
Always keep your oils out of the reach of children, in a safe cool dark place and keep as you would any medicines